Friday, December 9, 2016

Still in the tunnel, looking for the light

Still grappling with Chaya's liver disease - as yet undiagnosed definitively - and from the persistent pressure sores.

We had a harrowing Saturday night involving an hour and a half of consecutive seizures which had us with phone in hand to call an ambulance. But thank G-d we were able to avoid hospitalization as well as starting that new anti-epileptic, Vimpat. But we do now have a stock of the stuff in our medicine drawer at the ready,

As long as feasible, we'll continue to treat Chaya with CBD oil, three times a day and THC oil whenever the seizures erupt. (Those are the two forms of cannabis oil available.)

Chaya is also getting diuretics to remove the ascites (fluid accumulation) caused by her liver damage, Ridding her of fluid has resulted in an extreme gauntness that shocks us anew every day. Bones and veins that were not meant to be seen by the naked eye are protruding everywhere.

We were also blown away by an email we received a few days ago from the pediatric neurologist who had been treating Chaya for the last five years and who had basically told us to go jump in a lake when we first notified her of Chaya's liver damage 6 weeks ago. This week she wrote a one-line inquiry about Chaya's condition. Neither my husband nor I have yet managed to deal with our disappointment or to figure out what sort of response to write.

And while we struggle through this without any help from "the system", that institutionalization empire, Aleh, churns out its lies in a steady flow of fresh PR releases.

Here's one that caught my eye. I was struck specifically by the repetition of the term "family" to describe Aleh. As if hammering away at that appealing mendacity will make it true.
The Aleh Family - an Unbreakable Bond | ...ALEH is a family, so when a member of the family celebrates an important milestone, it only makes sense that everyone is involved... As the ALEH residents, staff, and volunteers danced with Elisheva and her groom, it was clear that they were a real family.  
We all know what a family is - and no residential institution comes close to fitting the description.

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